«ОсвітАналітика» Аналітичний Центр Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка


Before the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, the OsvitAnalityka team presented their first study – a policy note “Organization of the Learning Process in Ukrainian Schools under Quarantine Restrictions”.

Experts have developed recommendations for the organization of the learning process in the new academic year based on international and national experience of schools operation under quarantine restrictions.

Ми в соцмережах


Policy Note

Such recommendations are structured in accordance with six principles of Framework for reopening schools.

The full version contains recommendations for state and local authorities, heads of educational institutions and teachers.


Policy Brief

What should one pay attention to in the draft 2021 State Budget approved for the second reading?

According to the version of the 2021 State Budget presented for the second reading, the spending on education funded through the Ministry of Education has preliminary been reduced by almost 4 billion UAH compared to the version for the first reading. Therefore, OsvitAnalityka team has analysed the spending on education envisaged in this document.  

This brief outlines the possible change of the education budget and teachers’ salaries next year, as well as our recommendations.


Analytical report on the autonomy of schools In Kyiv city

The report examines the attitude of three management entities of the general secondary education institution in Kyiv city — representatives of the Department of Education and Science of Kyiv city (Department), District Education Offices of Kyiv City and school headmasters — to expanding the scope of academic, financial, staff and organizational autonomy of secondary schools in accordance with the updated legal requirements and transformation of the district education offices from the educational institution management authorities to the service centers.


Read this material to learn about the vaccination process in other countries and the priority in getting the vaccine for different population groups.

Should the Ukrainian governmental vaccination plan be changed?

The three principles of EHEA development are inclusivity, innovation and interconnectedness. How will the implementation of these principles affect the changing landscape of higher education in Ukraine?

According to the version of the 2021 State Budget presented for the second reading, the spending on education funded through the Ministry of Education has preliminary been reduced by almost 4 billion UAH compared to the version for the first reading.

Therefore, OsvitAnalityka team has analysed the spending on education envisaged in this document. This brief outlines the possible change of the education budget and teachers’ salaries next year, as well as our recommendations.

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